The piece is an investigation of contrasts and how one motivic element will be altered when placed in proximity to another. Unlike some of my other pieces, there is no extended melodic theme per se. Instead, recurring motifs join to form thematic illusions when in proximity to others. There are three basic sections, quite different in emotional effect but based on the same gestures. The first explores tension and ambiguity, the second ethereal stillness, the third rhythmic drive.

The piece was originally written in 2006;  revised and extended in 2020.  The recording is from the later version, performed at San Francisco's Center for New Music on September 2021

The players are members of the Friction Quartet (Kevin Rogers-violin, Otis Harriel-violin, Rachyl Martinez-viola, Doug Machiz-cello), along with Jessie Nucho on flute.

for Flute and String Quartet